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Phone Recordings Main Page Comment Line Tapes Phunfone & Other Lines
REC Telephone Networks Recordings Dial-A-Joke Recordings Paul Mack Presents
Paul Mack The Moviemaker Dual Phase  Funfone Tapes

Phone Party at Shakey's in Hollywood 1981

Me on the Left, Bryan Feedback (Center) Dan Dual Phase took the picture

Karen Westminster,  Dan Dual Phase,  Mike Gorman,   Sammy The Seal

Karen Westminister & Steve - 24

Phone Party at Shakey's in North Hollywood  1980

Dan Dual Phase & Unknown Caller

Dan Dual Phase And Another Unknown Caller

Bruce From "Why Not!", Dan (Again), & Michael Hollywood (Amazing)

Joe Zygot (In The Background), Dan, Kelley Burbank (Half His Face Showing), & Bruce

Dan Dual Phase

Michael Hollywood Greeted by Dan    

Straw Hat Pizza North Hollywood 12/28/1980

Also Michael Hollywood's Birthday, turned 21

Paul Mack & Dan "Dual Phase"

Fishbowl Freeride
Jack "San Fernando"

Bryan W. Feedback & Dan "Dual Phase"

Bruce "Why Not" & Lynn Woodland Hills

Bruce Being Funny

Paul Mack, Bryan W. Feedback, Steve Pasadena (His Back)

Susan Thunder & Dan "Dual Phase"

Theodore Forma (Dory Forma), Paul Mack, & Video Interviewer

Paul Mack Advertising "Hands Of Mr. Ottermole"

Lori "Monebello" (Carrie "Whittier") & Rex "Huntington Beach"

Michael "Hollywood" & Lori "Montebello (Carrie "Whittier")

Michael "Hollywood", Dan "Dual Phase", Richard "Beverly Hills", & Lynn "Woodland Hills"

Paul Mack & Theodore Forma (Dory Forma)

The End

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Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonerecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
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